Call Us: 817-704-2212

Our Mission

We seek to change the way people feel about charitable giving. We strive to encourage more charitable giving by helping you to fund a charitable donation with the purchase of your regular insurance policy.

Our Non-Profit Status

InsureHope is nationally recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization.

Getting Started

Join InsureHope in giving back to the community by getting insured.


InsureHope Origins

We all get lots of requests for donations from worthy charities that are doing wonderful work both locally and around the world. How to decide?

We wanted a solution that allowed us to say yes more often. Given that we were in the insurance business we wanted an idea that would allow us to leverage what we do each day within our 50-state insurance agency. In addition, everyone has to buy insurance. So why not allow a charitably minded person to use the profits from the purchase of their regular policy to fund a charity?

The result of that line of thinking was the creation of InsureHope, the charitable operations of InsureZone.


How does InsureHope work?

First, you buy your insurance policy. Then, at the end of your month of purchase, you will have the opportunity to vote via survey between 20 charities and organizations. The top five most popular charities will then receive a check containing our monthly profits.

InsureHope Team

We have over 50,000 customers and have a full support staff to work with you on any issues including: billing, claims, or policy changes. To learn more about our professional staff, check out our Staff Page. For a live chat with one of our support staff, please click here.

Supported Charities

To learn more about the 20 wonderful charities supported by InsureHope, please visit our supported charities page.